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New Month New Opportunity



Today is the first of November. We say goodbye to Halloween and hello to Thanksgiving. Use this new month as a new opportunity to revamp your life. Think about any habits you've been trying to break, or a new hobby you have wanted to take up. If you have been struggling with motivation, use this new month as an excuse to stop procrasinating and go for it! Life is full of opportunities but you must be willing to put yourself out there. Set some goals you would like to accomplish. They can be as simple as trying going to bed an hour earlier or including more exercise into your routine. One tip I would like to suggest to everyone is journa

ling. You can interpret journaling however you would like, but at the end of th

e day you come together collectively with your mind and release anything you are feeling; whether that be good or bad. You can journal a list of goals you have, what you did that day, your aspirations for the following day and so much more... the options are endless.

The most important step in making sure you have a great month is believing in yourself. You are strong and powerful beyond your own belief. Use your excellence to your advantage. Once you start believing you can then you will. Go into this new month resilient, and ready to conquer all. I believe in you and so should you. Peace, love and happiness to all. I wish good fortune and health upon one and all admist the new month.

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