Winter is approaching... and it's bringing shorter days and less sunlight. This can cause some people to feel less motivated, and not be in the swing of things. Some people also suffer from seasonal depression- when you feel happy and full of life during the warm summer months, but as fall/winter comes along all of that happiness is gone right along with daylight savings. Symptoms of seasonal depression can include: sleeping more than usual, appetite change, low energy, and feeling socially withdrawn.
Get ahead of the winter blues by following these 5 steps.
Self care
Taking care of our bodies and mind is one of the most important tasks in life. Make sure you are going to sleep early and getting a full nights rest. Eat a healthy, and well-balanced diet making sure to give your body the proper nutrients it needs. Drink plenty of water. Get yourself into a routine, having structure can help keep you in the swing of things and not feel lost.
Expressing your thoughts allows for a clear headspace. When your body is not well nurtured neither is your mind, and it can be easy for negative thoughts to consume you. Free these thoughts and let them know they are not in control of your life but you are.
Keep your blood flowing and bones strong by staying active. Exercise can also help releive stress/anxiety. You can search youtube for in home workout videos, or simply take a jog around the block. Whatever your take on staying active may be, just stick to it.
Practice yoga/meditation
There are a ton of benefits when it comes to practicing yoga and meditiation. It increases your level of mindfullness and creates for a better connection with yourself. Start meditating daily and notice how you feel a difference in your mindset.
Get outside
You experience a special level of peace being connected to nature. Go listen to the waves at the beach, take a stroll with your friend at your local park, or just sit outside and play fetch with your dog. Feel unplugged and disconnected for a change.
Talk with a therapist or your doctor
Sometimes life can get the best of us. You may feel as if you have run out of options, but that is never the case. If you are feeling very depressed it may be time to reach out to your primary care doctor and start the conversation about seeing a therapist. Seeing a therapist allows an open minded opinion on the thoughts that linger in your mind. It may seem scary, but it can be a very necessary step in keeping yourself alive and healthy.